Our Foundation’s Field of Interest Funds
Our Fund Types
You can choose the fund to which you give
The Greater Eatonville Community Foundation manages individual funds that reflect the unique wishes of our donors, as well as the diverse needs and interests of the people of our community. You can contribute to any fund.
Designated Funds: The donor may name a specific charitable organization (s) to be assisted by distributions from the fund.
Field of Interest Funds: GECF establishes broad areas of interest for donor giving and grant support.
Unrestricted Funds: Provide the foundation with the flexibility to allocate funds where they are most needed (to meet emerging community needs) and also overhead costs
Endowed Funds: “Permanent” funds where only the interest earnings are available for distribution.
Non-Endowed Funds: “Non-permanent” funds. The balance of the non-endowed funds are available for spending in part at any time.